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L orelei GSD Kennels

EARLY DAYS - taken in 1970.
Missy was by Ch. Yokel of Nerrav ex Ch. Cosalta Felicity, the pair who won NZ's first SV Gold Medals. Charlie & Rella were by the Felicity son Hutter of High Clear, and were out of Ch. Xada of Nerrav. Jena (my obedience bitch) was by Ch. Yokel of Nerrav ex Ch. Xada of Nerrav, giving close line-breeding on Arka Preußenblut, and a pedigree that had Crufts Supreme Champion Fenton of Kentwood as the only British line. Sadly, Jena had just one pup. But Rella was a very successful producer.
Our first German Shepherd Dog (aka Alsatian in our early days) was Caesar, a $10 BYB-special with a marvellous character & incredible intelligence who became a professional sheep drover. Our second was Volkerson Zacki who, unfortunately, had severe HD but taught us a lot about the disorder.

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