L orelei GSD Kennels

Caution : I have discovered that many links do not work while they are close to the menu-bar. So if a link you want doesn't work, scroll the page to move that link to below halfway down. I hope WIX quickly fix the 2 problems I've found
We start with the International Standard of the GSD, as approved at conferences of the WUSV (World Union of GSD Clubs), with about 77 nations voting:
NZ's first member of the WUSV was the Wellington District GSD Club, invited to join by SV President Dr Christoph Rummel when he judged here in June 1973, and the application was approved at the 1974 conference at which the EUSV expanded to become the WUSV. In 1996 the GSD Advisory Council also gained membership.
Then there are the certificates for sanity, type, hips & elbows, agility&trainability+"nose"+courage, and the final crown - Breed Survey Classification:
Unfortunately THAT page& ALL Yahoo Groups were deleted at Xmas 2020. We'll have to hope that the GSDAC soon puts its BS files on-line: http://www.nzgsdac.org.nz/about.html
Some e-groups that will suit some of you:
https://groups.io/g/GSD-Friendly - for articles, answers, discussion, information, questions about GSDs.
For BIF-scoring information about the hip & elbow production of various GSDs:
http://www.gsdcouncilaustralia.org/hipelbow.htm from Dowunder males - the Willis-style analyses
http://www.the-kennel-club.org.uk/ ervices/public/mateselect/test/Default.aspx from British males & females
For OFA hip, elbow, CERF categories from North American GSDs:
For the DownUnderers visiting my site, these are the web-sites of the NZ GSD clubs that have one
GSD Advisory Council http://www.nzgsdac.org.nz/
Auckland Provincial GSD League http://germanshepherddog.co.nz/
Waikato GSD Club http://wgsdc.webs.com/
Wellington District GSD Club http://www.wdgsdc.org.nz/
South Island GS League http://www.sigsl.org.nz/
Southland GSD Club http://www.germanshepherd.co.nz/dnn/
and the Australian GSD clubs can be reached via
GSD Council of Australia http://www.gsdcouncilaustralia.org/entrypage.htm
while those wishing to check on the United Kingdom can visit
GSD Council of GB http://www.gsdbreedcouncil.co.uk/
And the web-dsite where our breed's foundation stock are recorded, and the elite of modern stock for conformation or for protection-sports (plus some hopeful 'pet-onlys'):
L es Pauling
BIF hip-scoring measures 9 aspects of each hip, then converts 16 of them to a 0-to-6 score, two to a 0-to-5 score, resulting in a lateral total of 0-to-52 per hip and 0-to-104 per dog. The GSDCAu deems that no aspect higher than 3 and no lateral total higher than 8 is acceptable for its "A" stamp.
Elbows are scored as 0-to-3 per elbow, with the WORST elbow being the one on which the overall score is based. In the Australian & NZ versions, half-steps give 0 ½ 1½ 2 3 or 0 0b 1a 1b 2 3 scores. In the GSDCAu version any UAP is listed separately; in all other versions the UAP is included on the 0-to 3 score per elbow.
Use that field to select the Name and the Breed you want to check on. When its result arrives, click on the hot-linked name to be taken to a display of the dog's parents, offspring, and siblings+half-siblings with their certification codes.
OFA uses the categories E for Excellent, G for Good, F for Fair, B for Borderline in its xraycodes, plus has two not stated fails: M for Mild dysplasia and M for Moderate dysplasia. M=Male, F=Female. After the last hyphen, T=Tattoo, M=Microchip, PI=Permanent Identification claimed, VPI=Verified Permanent Identification.
So E24F-VPI around that 2nd hyphen means: Excellent joints, xrayed at 24 months, a Female with Verified Permanent Identification.