L orelei GSD Kennels

· · A b o u t L o r e l e i · ·

by Ex.4 Lorelei Bertold BS.Cl.1 ex Gd.38 Lorelei Ciwa BS.Cl.2
Registered with the NZKC (which became Dogs NZ in 2017) in August 1968, my kennel name was chosen because of the Rhine River's Lorelei siren sung about by Ella Fitzgerald. A little extra inspiration came from Marilyn Monroe's role as Lorelei Lee in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (although I preferred her in "Some Like it Hot").
Lorelei is a small kennel with its roots in obedience club training (Les) and then in all-breeds conform- ation (Jeannie) until January 1976, after which we limited ourselves to GSD specialist club shows. Our mentors were the von Konig + Pan (who combined as von Racher) kennels, and Albek kennels who, between them, set a consistency record by winning Supreme Best In Show at the NZKC Nationals (our equivalent of Crufts and Westminster) in 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971 and again in 1974, with 5 different (but related) GSDs. My foundation stock was strong on UK.Ch. Asoka Cherusker and UK.Ch. Ludwig of Charavigne, with additions from VA2 Mutz von der Pelztierfarm and V1 Jonny von der Rheinhalle as they became available.
Once the GSD Advisory Council was established (in 1979) we were active in it, each of us having periods on its Executive Committee, with Jeannie becoming a GSD ch.show judge and a Breed Surveyor, plus spending long periods as the Council's editor and/or secretary; Les holding posts as Zone Tattoo Organiser & Tattooist, Information Coordinator & Genetics Advisor, Awards Registrar, Typesetter.

by VG.3 Lorelei Keks Karl BS.Cl.2
ex VP.6 Lorelei Callme Cippa BS.Cl.2
♥ Sadly, my foundation line ended when Lorelei Offa Cippa had to be euthanased (on my 70th birthday!) in 2010 without having been able to produce a daughter to continue her line.
Wishing to combine the genes of 2 specific studs (Philipp and Classic Devil) in order to start again, I had to wait until 24 May 2012 before Bea
( http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/dog.html?id=1325022 ) - a granddaughter of one of those 2 studs - became available. Semen of the other stud was reserved, ready for her to produce my P-litter. Sadly, she went sterile as of her first mating.
I am not a keen exporter - I prefer to inspect properties & meet potential puppy owners.
I strongly believe that, to be any good at all, a GSD must FIRST be a good pet. Which requires me to minimise genetic problems, and requires buyers to engage in club training during their pup's first year - and my Guarantee on adults is contingent on production of a puppy graduation certificate.
As I am too old to compete, I reserve some pups for people who WILL get seriously involved in training competition or conformation showing.
Apologies re the colouration in Graff's photo - it was scanned from an old Polaroid that had deteriorated.
Those who like the Lorelei name might enjoy some of the name's history and use: