L orelei GSD Kennels

Guarantee and conditions
The Buyer :
I, as the Buyer, guarantee to do my best for this ####-quality pup,
LORELEI ## ###########, tattoo LOR ###
●1: following a diet and vaccination programme similar to that on the pup's pedigree paper,
●2: passing at least one obedience graduation while it is a Puppy,
●3: keeping it recorded/licensed with my local council/dog control authority,
●4: ensuring that it does NOT have the opportunity to reach the street (except on a leash),
●5: and keeping the Breeder informed as to progress and problems I have.
●6: I also undertake to keep the breeder informed as to the dog's whereabouts should I move.
I realise that dogs without DogsNZ Registration at 12 months old cannot ever be registered for show or breeding purposes (but, once neutered, may be for obedience-only purposes), and that the Breeder has the right to refuse to DogNZ-register any pup sold as "pet-only".
In the case of a pup bought as "show/breeding stock" I guarantee that I will not neuter, put down, re-sell, or otherwise dispose of the GSD without first gaining written permission from the Breeder. I accept that, in the event of me wishing to part with this GSD, Les Pauling has the absolute right to re-purchase it at a negotiated price related to the GSD's age and condition but no higher than the original price I paid, provided payment is made within a reasonable time, such as 3 months of being notified by me that I wish to part with my GSD. Should the dog require Parvovirus or Distemper treatment within 8 days of being returned to Les Pauling I accept responsibility for the veterinary fees - which may include the cost of treating Les's young pups infected by my dog.
■ If my pup is a show-male, I further guarantee that I will not breed more than 1 litter from him before having an official (NZVA or BVA or GSDCAustralia) Hip Score and Elbow Score available, and I will not stand him at public stud until he has gained Breed Survey Classification.
■ If my pup is an DogsNZ-Registered bitch, I further guarantee that I will not allow her to have pups before she is 2 years old (which means NOT mating her younger than 22 months) and will first obtain her official Hip Score and Elbow Score and ensure that the scores are within the range for an Australian "A"-stamp and a "Z"-stamp.
If it is my intention to breed more than one litter from her I shall delay mating her until she has gained a Breed Survey Classification, and will not allow her to have puppies more often than twice in 18 months.
SIGNED .............................................................................. Date .../.../20...
Name: ####### ##########
Street: ### ############## #### Phone ( ) ### ####
Place: #############, ################
shifted in to Street: ### ############## #### Phone ( ) ### ####
Place: #############, ################
shifted in to Street: ### ############## #### Phone ( ) ### ####
Place: #############, ################
The Breeder :
I, as the Breeder, guarantee to the best of my ability that this GSD
LORELEI ## ###########, tattoo LOR ###
is free of any major fault.
Any Lorelei GSD will develop all the characteristics of a typical GSD, such as erect ears. Because temperament may be drastically affected by juvenile rearing, deterioration of temperament is NOT covered by this Guarantee.
If your Lorelei GSD does not measure up to the requirements stated below it will be replaced by the nearest equivalent (e.g.: sable for sable, LSH for LSH-coat, bitch for bitch, pet for pet) that my kennel produces within the following 2-year period - OR the price of your pup can be refunded OR discounted from my normal price for any pup I have for sale during the 2 years following the failure to measure-up. "Replaced" implies that in some circumstances I may require that you surrender the original, unsatisfactory GSD to me so that I can re-home it, OR that you - after gaining my consent - have it put to sleep to save it from further suffering after gaining my consent.
Should your puppy require veterinary treatment (other than examination & vaccination) for PARVOVIRUS or DISTEMPER within 8 days of leaving my property, then I accept responsibility for either (but not BOTH) replacing the pup or refunding the cost of the treatment (to a maximum of the pup's original price). Where there is disagreement as to which course to take, I retain the right of final decision.
For a pet, this Guarantee is otherwise limited to replacement or refund (to a maximum of the pup's original price) should the GSD develop a genetic disorder so major (e.g., crippling hip dysplasia) that my vet and I agree it should be euthanased during its first 3 years. (If there is an official scheme for that disorder, my vet & I will require access to the report from that scheme's operator.)
GSDs bought as show-quality animals will, as a minimum, achieve placings at suitable Ribbon Parades (there being a difference between the type of GSD that judges look for at all-breeds shows compared with at GSD-specialist shows), but with suitable fitness and training programmes they are Guaranteed to gain at least a Breed Survey Class 2 as adults, with an expectation of "Very Good" or even "Excellent" show gradings at some stage.
Because of the higher price paid, the show-quality Guarantee covers replacement for any genetic problem that would disqualify the GSD from Breed Survey classification (e.g., adult cryptorchidism, or the non-development of any tooth other than the P1s, or any BIF-based hip-total worse than 30), but NOT problems that result from accident, infection, neglect, or mis-treatment.
Signed: Les Pauling ............................................................... 10 Berkshire Grove, Date: .../.../20...
ph (04) 2377 248 PORIRUA 5024
Your nearest GSD club is ############# GSD ###
M.. # ########### ph.( ) ### #### ############
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Your nearest obedience club is ############# ### C.O.C.
M.. # ########### ph.( ) ### #### ############
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Your nearest all-breeds club is ############# Kennel ###
M.. # ########### ph.( ) ### #### ############
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